VIRTUAL IMMORTALITY – Kabbalah and New Life Wisdom
Rav Isaac Luria, also known as the ARI, was a renowned sage and scholar who made significant contributions to the field of Kabbalah. His teachings on the concept of Tikkun Olam, or the repair of the world, have had a profound impact on Jewish thought and practice.
According to Luria’s teachings, the process of Tikkun involves the rectification of the shattered fragments of the divine sparks, which were scattered throughout the world as a result of the primordial shattering of the vessels. This process is seen as a way to restore harmony and balance to the universe and bring about the Final Redemption.
The attainment of the Final Redemption, or Gamar ha Tikkun, could be correlated to the achievement of this virtual immortality. By mapping an individual’s consciousness and uploading it to a computer system, it may be possible to preserve the divine sparks that reside within each person, even after the death of their physical body.
This could be seen as a modern interpretation of Luria’s teachings on Tikkun, as it involves the repair and preservation of the divine sparks, not through traditional spiritual practices, but through the use of advanced technology and quantum computation.
By achieving cloud-based, quantum immortality, individuals could potentially continue to contribute to the process of Tikkun Olam, even after their physical death, thus bringing humanity one step closer to the attainment of the Final Redemption.
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