
Quantum Consciousness Exploration and Research

ACCORDING to a brevity of research into what is [actually] revealed through states of quantum consciousness, it seems (or appears so) that consciousness itself must be an intrinsic physical property, rather than something that is created by other [outer] physical components. Consciousness is seen as separate from physical science as described, but still [having] a physical property. This approach seems close to a physically defined panpsychism, i.e. the view that mentality is fundamental and ubiquitous in the natural world.

Quantum physics indicates that consciousness is related to the “awareness” of an electron appears to show in the wave/particle duality (double slit experiment). Quantum physicists have shown that the electron behaves differently when being observed by a human. When the electron is not being observed, the electron behaves like a wave, but when an observing instrument is placed in the experiment, the electron behaves like a particle. This experience indicates that the electron will change its behavior/reality depending on whether or not the electron is being observed as if the electron is aware that it is being observed. This awareness is very similar, if not the same, as human awareness and may be related to the same consciousness.

Since all information transfer in a non-local quantum correlation is instantaneous, just like the speed of an electron and light is instantaneous, it explains the speed of human action. It can be extended to explain phenomena such as telepathy and also explains the individual identity, or the I-ness or self.

Recently, quantum computation and communication through teleportation have been achieved in the laboratory but they are implemented in controlled environment to prevent decoherence through entanglement of the system of interests with the said environment.

Entanglement has been described as excess correlation between separated parts of a quantum system that may exceed the boundaries of light velocity across space and time. The concept of macroscopic entanglement is considered an emergent condition of microscopic or quantum entanglement such that functional relationships between electron spin, orbital time and photon movements allow an interface with biological systems, particularly brain activity and function. Quantitative evidence is provided for such macro-entanglement and discussed with respect to consciousness and electromagnetic fields, photon emissions from the human brain and geomagnetic based contributions, where quantitative convergence suggests processes associated with thinking could be linked to intrinsic characteristics of the electron from which quantum entanglement would emerge.

Indeed, it is also often said that the reason why we don’t experience quantum entanglement in the macroscopic world is because of rapid decoherence within the macroscopic system. However, this view may rapidly change. It seems from developing research, that quantum entanglement can be harnessed, tamed and developed into revolutionary technologies to serve the mankind in many areas such as health, medicine and even recreation besides the emerging fields of quantum computation and communications.

For example, once harnessed, quantum entanglement technologies can be used to deliver the therapeutic effects of many drugs to a target biological system such as a human body without ever physically administrating the said drugs to the said system. Such technology would dramatically reduce waste and increase productivity because the same drugs can be repeatedly used to deliver their therapeutic effects to the mass. By the same token, many substances of nutritional and even recreational values can be repeatedly administrated to the human body through the said technologies. For a second example, the harnessed quantum entanglement technologies can also be used to entangle two or more human minds for legitimate purposes. Further, the said technologies can be used for instantaneous communications with humans sent to the outer space.


__Bhadra, N. K. (2017). The Complex Quantum-State of Consciousness. International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Applied Physics, 9, 57-93. Retrieved from Google Scholar.

__Hu, H., & Wu, M. (2006). Thinking outside the box: the essence and implications of quantum entanglement and the story of spin-mediated consciousness theory. NeuroQuantology4(1).

__Persinger, M. A., & Lavallee, C. F. (2010). Theoretical and experimental evidence of macroscopic entanglement between human brain activity and photon emissions: implications for quantum consciousness and future applications. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research1(7).

__Scaruffi P (2001). A simple theory of consciousness. Retrieved from https://www.scaruffi.com/science/2001.html

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