The Secret to the Coronavirus – Kabbalah and New Life Wisdom
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The coronavirus, like MERS, SARS and now COVID-19 are simply genetic letters, from the genetic RNA alphabet, a simple string and sequence of letters that attack our cells. These RNA letters have crowns on top. That’s why it’s called the Coronavirus because corona means crown.
The coronavirus letters are protected by fats (klippot, in Kabbalah) that protect it. The Kabbalistic meditations have the DNA genetic letters of Creation that brought this universe and all life into existence. They too have crowns on top. In fact, the Zohar says the crowns are more important than the actual letters.
The sequence of Kabbalistic letters and their crowns, and the energy of the Zohar crack open the klippot, the fat, and penetrate to the RNA to destroy the RNA on a spiritual level. This by the way, is how the drug chloroquine works. It has the ability to generate the fat outer shell. But we are battling on the 99% level of consciousness and metaphysics, in order to manifest breakthroughs in this physical world. You must battle on both levels.
But you will never achieve miracles or true change without FIRST attacking the metaphysical level. So lets help our doctors and scientists and patients and this world by using this technology of Zohar and Kabbalistic meditations to attack the crown of the dark system, which is the secret of the Killing of the First Born during the ten plagues that struck Egypt 3400 years ago. The First Born is a CODE for the crown, the head, the seed of the dark system. The ten plagues strike the ten dimensions (ten sephirot in Kabbalistic terminology) of the dark side to root out the source of the negativity and darkness. Hopefully, this can be made as simple as possible.
Good news, your open heart and love for others is what unleashes this power even if you don’t fully understand what was just said. Expect and demand miracles. And print more Zohars. And share the meditations.
This is a big idea, The 2020's perfect vision - unity in heralding the year of Jubilee, and I am just a vessel through which the tides are turning towards peaceful terrains. Thank you a lot, I want to share these gems of meta-data with any who are interested. Pockets full of sunshine. Love you. Hey.
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