AYIN-BET (The 72 Names of God) ~Reflections #70. YUD BET MEM – Guardian angel, Yabamiah, “God Who Brings Forth All Things”
There are no coincidences in life. No chance encounters. No random surprises. Whatever happens, happens for a reason. So when our world feels out of whack and we just want to scream, this Name is our fast track to structure and serenity.
Not a single blade of grass grows without direction from a higher power. Like an immense computer, the Creator’s Light processes, calculates, and accounts for everything through the law of cause and effect.
When we react negatively to the apparently sudden chaos of life, we deny the underlying design and purpose of Creation. Our attitude prolongs the madness. But the moment we recognize and accept hardships and all chaotic circumstances as opportunities for spiritual elevation, pain and doubt quickly disappear. We alone determine the rate at which our turmoil and pain pass.
Be aware: The ego will constantly attempt to slow this whole process down to a sluggish crawl by concealing the order and the cause of the chaos in front of our eyes.
When you find yourself overcome with feelings of doubt or panic or with thoughts of doom, these letters reveal the order that underlies chaos. You become enlightened to the Creator’s master plan as it pertains to your purpose in this world and to the problems you face.

Lech Lecha (“Go forth”)
(21) “And Hashem said to Abram, after Lot was separated from him”
185. Come and behold, No other Governor rules over the land of Yisrael but the Holy One, blessed be He, alone. So when Yisrael sinned and burned incense to other deities in the land, it is as if the Shechinah was driven from her place. Because the incense attracted other deities, these deities became associates with Yisrael and dominion was handed over to them. Because the incense makes connections, THEY DREW THEIR POWER FROM THE SHECHINAH AND ATTAINED THEIR DOMINION THROUGH HER. Then the other nations ruled, the prophets were no more, and all the supernal grades ceased to rule over the land.
~Reflections from Shalom Hartman Institute
“When a man and a woman are worthy, the Shechinah is among them” (Babylonian Talmud, Sotah 17a). The Shechinah comes down, goes up, or departs, and always represents the manifestation of God in the world. For the believer, the divinity is the ultimate other, the object of desire and perfection, in whose presence the religious individual performs his day-to-day acts.
In some Kabbalistic approaches, the structures of exile and redemption, of destruction and rescue, are wrapped around the drama within the imperfect divine figure. For the Kabbalistic approach, in which the acts of man play a major part in the design of the divine world, this picture of imperfection is an invitation to repentance. The downtrodden Shechinah needs to be raised up. The ones to accomplish this are the people – its sons, who support and lift it up from its ailments. This is an approach that encourages religious activism and integrates well with the feminine image of this divine entity, which contrasts with the masculine image of the Kabbalists and strengthens erotic and activist structures. Thus, the image of the Shechinah within the Kabbalistic philosophy strengthens Jewish religious ritual as a whole, which is harnessed for the redemption of the Shechinah and its raising from the dust.

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