1 thought on “The Law of Interdependent Origination

  1. There is no doubt that life has become more complex. On the one hand, complexity causes overwhelm and stress. Stress is pandemic across humanity. On the other hand, many of us have an innate drive to expand our awareness and consciousness by consuming lots of information and crave the stimulations of complexity or the “law of complexity consciousness,” as was so
    succinctly proposed by Teillard de Chardin, which stated that increasing complexity is accompanied by increased consciousness. He argued that the primary vehicle for increasing complexity consciousness among living organisms was the nervous system. The informational wiring of a [BE]ing, he argued – whether of neurons or electronics – gives birth to consciousness. If one accepts this power of connections, then the potential of the planetary neural-network of the Internet is in[DEED] fertile soil for the emergence of a global intelligence.

    Paul Quaiser – Human Sustainability Institute


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