CELEBRATING INTERCONNECTEDNESS AS A SPIRITUAL PARADIGM FOR TEACHING There is much to celebrate in the possibilities that...
If we are to teach peace, justice, and ecological sustainability, we not only need to teach it,...
ISBN: 9781433831805 , 1433831899 , 9781433831898; DOI: 10.1037/0000201-005 The psychology of groups the intersection of social psychology and psychotherapy research...
#the2020sperfectvision News Talk West Tennessee / Newtalk 96.5fm features hosts who DO IT LIVE! Josiah Haltom, Ambassador...
by Chris Reinders FolmerNovartis Foundation symposium Psychologists have proposed that empathy-related responding, including caring or sympathetic concern,...
The initial conceptualization of social equity in public administration has so far been rather simple and speculative....
THE BENEFITS OF MUTUAL GUARANTEE The new world dictates that we adopt the approach of mutual guarantee....
Illusioned and Alienated: Can Gig Workers OrganiseCollectively?Dragana Mrvos (2021)University of South Florida, Saint Petersburg, USA, dmrvos@usf.edu,https://www.usf.edu/arts-sciences/departments/school-of-interdisciplinaryglobal-studies/people/dmrvos.aspx Abstract:...