Haaiah is a guardian angel that has a masculine energy and represents the 5th and 10th degree of Leo. In the angel hierarchy he is a Domination, he is part of the sefirah of Hesed, and his governing Archangel is Zadkiel. His planetary energies are Jupiter / Saturn and he represents the element of Fire.
He symbolizes: Truth. He affords you the possibility to think upon the details of creation. He brings protection to all defenders of truth and is of great help to those who work in the judicial sector. The angel Haaiah’s stone is Magnetite and his colors are Blue / Purple. Of the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, he rules over: *Counsel.
The assistance given you by Guardian angel, HAAIAH
The angel Haaiah is the angel of secrecy. Under his influence, you are able to protect and to handle government secrets, confidential state documents, and the access to information and knowledge which need to be concealed. Haaiah is the angel of political and social leaders, executives, diplomats, directors, avengers, ambassadors, and decision-makers.
If you work in the field of political science, know that thanks to this angel you will be able to find harmony within your social life. Under the protection of this angel you are able to foster a peaceful atmosphere between you and the person or people you live with.
Under his influence you are an inspiring individual who is led by wisdom and who is capable of observing the bodies of the divine. He gives you the ability to respect the divine order. The angel Haaiah can help you to seek truth through your powers of analysis and reason and help you to learn how to face up to difficult and complex situations. With his help you are able to instigate positive and constructive atmospheres. You are to some extent the driver of team spirit.
He gives you the ability to successfully coordinate power and abundance. With this patron angel you are able to acquire a great sense of planning and family.
The negativity brought into balance by Guadian angel, HAAIAH
The angel Haaiah will protect you from indiscretion, family and/or social concerns, and selfishness. He will help you if you are having problems related to politics, administration, decision-making, and organization. He will prevent you from running from your responsibilities and from denying fate.
The guardian angel Haaiah is your protector and will help change your behavior if you are motivated by personal ambition, greed, arrogance, megalomania, passion, or jealousy. He also keeps you from a desire for power and earthly victory, as well as from abusing your power or authority and from putting your belief in the law of the jungle and a spirit of competition. In the same vein he will also help you if you have a tendency to want to impose your ideas upon others or if you do not listen.
Haaiah will protect you from social problems, plotting, individualism, betrayal, and any inferiority complex that you might have. He also keeps you from having a negative impact on things or from taking actions which don’t make sense.
|||- https://www.angelsnames.xyz/haaiah/
HEY = 5 < ALEPH = 1 < ALEPH = 1
The numerical value of this particular Name is seven, and seven is a highly significant number in Kabbalah. There are, say the Kabbalists, ten dimensions that form reality. The highest of these ten dimensions, called the Upper Three, exist outside our physical reality. The Lower Seven, however, directly interact with our physical world. For this reason, the number seven turns up in many places: seven colors of the spectrum, seven notes of the musical scale, seven seas, seven major continents, seven days in a week, seventh day of rest.
Things can go dreadfully wrong in the world—and in our lives—when these seven dimensions are out of alignment!
I know that harmony always underlies chaos and with this name, balance and serenity are restored in the seven days of the week. Order emerges from chaos.

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