This blog contains several very valuable data-points to learn from in hasten the manifestation of The Event. <<-click and share
The co-creation of a sustainable future approach empowers cultures in a way that enables them to live in accordance with what they have reason to value and is a sustainability strategy that simultaneously works to establish the foundations of peaceful cooperation. Enhanced cooperation and peace-building result from creating channels of open communication in which stakeholders freely participate. Establishing strategic partnerships and cooperative networks are essential aspects of the co-creation of value process because it creates a means for integrating all the natural, social, and economic resources in a way that benefits multi-level stakeholders.
This means that establishing strategic partnerships and cooperative networks – when applied as a strategy for peaceful coexistence – works to integrate the interests of the multi-level stakeholders to create outcomes beneficial to individual social agents, while, at the same time, improves the conditions in the global arena.
Thus, an infrastructure for peace may be modeled by using advances in communication media to create multi-level social value.
In biological systems, for example, the cooperation between agents at a given level exists as a dynamic if the not tenuous balance between the preservation of individual autonomy and the benefits that coordination brings. Thus, for example, each cell within a human is capable of cooperating with neighboring cells, such that all cells, and the body, benefit.
So, we find that co-creating a sustainable global future becomes a strategy for realizing the future hoped for by the global community, is something rooted in cultural values and heritage, a future based on state-of-the-art sustainability planning, a future that satisfies both material and higher-order values and one that draws from the inherent human desire to work together toward achieving a sustainable peaceful future.
Science has only recently matured to the point where societal self-organization can fall under its purview. As yet, there are no societal systems that are designed in a modern, science-driven process to be fit for purpose. Humanity has a window of opportunity now to conduct this work. Fortunately, the prospect is attractive. Humans are naturally curious and compelled to learn and explore. In this case, the benefits of doing so are potentially massive, giving ample reason to act.
Moreover, humans are compelled to reduce uncertainty. Given that uncertainty and associated anxiety are on track to greatly increase in coming decades, due to climate change, biodiversity loss, and other unsolved problems, humans may feel driven to explore new ways of organizing their societies in order to ease uncertainty, fear, and strain.
__Boik, J. C. (2020). Science-Driven Societal Transformation, Part I: Worldview. Sustainability, 12(17), 6881.
__CORE Policy Brief. (2013). Interrogating peace in Meghalaya. (Upadhyaya, Anjoo. Upadhyaya, Priyankar. & Kumar, Ajay. Authors). Cultures of Governance and Conflict Resolution in Europe and India.
__Escobar, A. (1995). Encountering Development: the making and unmaking of the third world (Ortner, Sherry. Dirks, Nicholas. & Eley, Geoff. Edits.). Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
__Escobar, A. (1998). Whose knowledge, whose nature? Biodiversity, conservation, and the political ecology of social movements. Journal of Political Ecology, 5(1), 53-82.
__Miller, L. (2015).A Marketing Strategy for Democratizing Value Creation. Research Journal of Economics, Business and Internet Communication Technology. Volume 10, Issue 1, 17-24.
__Miller, L. (2020).Why the development paradigm turned into the sustainability discourse. Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences – Pakistan, 3, 570-589.
__Shrivastava, P., Smith, M. S., O’Brien, K., & Zsolnai, L. (2020). Transforming sustainability science to generate positive social and environmental change globally. One Earth, 2(4), 329-340.
__Vargo, S. & Lusch, R. (2011). It‘s all B2B…and beyond: Toward a system perspective of the market. Industrial Marketing Management. 40 (2), 181-187.
See also: Learning Systemic Holism, Deep Ecology, And Cosmocentrism – New Studies
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Others, all – lots – so too may king it happen, here and there and every which way! -One Peoples
Michael Grove shared,
Cc: “[TIME] methinks to seriously consider Buckminster Fuller’s concern with fine-tuning communication, developing and using words that are consistent with scientific reality, which [IS] one facet of the role of language with respect to SYNERGETICS. Another deals with the difficulty of describing visual and structural patterns. Anyone who has tried to describe an object over the telephone is well aware of the problems involved; there seems to be a shortage of functional words. The temptation to use your hands is irresistible, despite the futility. This scarcity of linguistic aids is especially severe for non-cubical structures, which characterise most of nature. That a language of pattern and structure is not widely accessible indicates that humanity’s understanding of such phenomena is similarly underdeveloped. We thus join forces with Fuller in an investigation of this neglected field, and in so doing we become more and more aware of the rich complexity of the order inherent in space.“
NB Don’t forget to explore the album by using the > & < eyes

“Never forget that you are one of a kind. Never forget that if there weren’t any need for you in all your uniqueness to be on this earth, you wouldn’t be here in the first place. And never forget, no matter how overwhelming life’s challenges and problems seem to be, that one person can make a difference in the world. In fact, it is always because of one person that all the changes that matter in the world come about. So be that one person.” |- R. Buckminster Fuller
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I have come to understand the meaning and the importance of togetherness. Everybody is worried about the feature due to environmental challenges and to achieve this, we have to start protecting and conserving our surrounding environment.
We agree.