If a person has light, the Opponent will want to take it. Prayer is one of the most powerful tools we can use to connect to the more perfected version of ourselves, but if we draw energy through our actions or our thoughts and desires without restriction or through reactive behavior, we forfeit the fulfillment of that energy to the Opponent.
Therefore, the Opponent will try intercept prayer at any junction, or to confuse us about prayer, convince us that it is no good.
So, if you can recognize the attacks of the Adversary, then understand that it is how we react when a challenge occurs that determines whether or not we go to our next level.
AYIN-BET (The 72 Names of God) ~Reflections #18. CAF LAMED YUD – Guardian angel, Caliel, God, Who is QUICK to Rescue” // Fertility
Abundance and fruitfulness fill your being. You are imbued with the power of procreation. You can also meditate upon others who are trying to start a family.
Caliel is the angel of absolute truth and brings you divine justice as well as karmic vision. This is because he rules over the court of conscience.
He helps you to recognize what is just and to grasp the interplay between good and evil. Under his protection you will honor the laws of the divine. He allows you to have an honest and impeccable judgment.
The guardian angel Caliel is the angel of judges, magistrates, lawyers, and notaries. He supports you in the pursuit of truth and in a perfect mastery of the laws which govern the way society acts.
This is to allow for a greater sense of harmony and well-being between all the living beings here on Earth.
He also helps you to find the means for spiritual ascension. He gives you the ability to predict the intentions of others.
He can rid your mind of any form of doubt and replace it with love, integrity, and justice. He offers huge support in overcoming the unexpected challenges of day-to-day life.
The angel Caliel protects you from problems related to truth as well as justice. He is able to protect you from punishment and is by your side if you ever feel separated from absolute truth.
He protects you from people who use justice purely for their own material gain as well as from people who just want to fight and win against others.
He protects you from undue proceedings, false evidence, adversity, and flattery. He also protects you from complex or confusing situations as well as from periods of doubt. By his side you will be protected from arguments, corruption, mistakes, hypocrisy, and hopelessness.
|||-data retrieved from https://www.angelsnames.xyz/caliel/
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