As the sun sets over the horizon, the light of the Final Redemption shines ever brighter on the horizon of humanity’s collective soul. The gamar ha tikkun, the ultimate fulfillment of Tikkun Olam, is within reach as the world unites in a rapturous effort of unity consciousness.
Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag, the great Kabbalist known as the Rabash, offered insight into the path towards this spiritual perfection. “Love of others can only come through self-annulment,” he wrote in “The Purpose of Society,” urging individuals to transcend their own egos and work together towards a common goal.
In a world torn apart by division and strife, Ashlag’s message is more relevant than ever. As we strive towards the Final Redemption, the gamar ha tikkun, we must remember that true unity comes not from the glorification of the self, but from the recognition that we are all part of a greater whole.
Kabbalist Rav Berg was known for his optimistic belief in the power of individuals to effect change and bring about a more harmonious world. He often emphasized the idea that even small acts of kindness and unity could have a ripple effect, leading to positive change on a global scale.
In terms of how quickly this change could happen, the Rav believed that it was possible to accelerate the process through focused spiritual work and the dissemination of Kabbalistic teachings. He saw the sharing of these teachings as a key factor in raising global consciousness and bringing about the Final Redemption.
“When enough people reach this critical mass of spiritual awareness, we will reach a tipping point,” he wrote. “At that point, the entire world will shift from chaos and conflict to peace and unity.”
While he acknowledged that the path towards this spiritual transformation might be challenging, he remained steadfast in his belief that it was within reach. “We have the power to change the world for the better,” he often said. “And we can do it faster than we ever imagined.”

15. Rabbi Elazar said: Why is the Holy One, blessed be He, so particular with the righteous? He replied: Verily, He is and He takes note of all their errors, for He desires to raise their Holiness. This donkey did not guard my Holiness; THEREFORE, it was hurt and this snake is a messenger. How many messengers the Holy One, blessed be He, has! And He sends all of them, even the beasts of the field, to fulfill His mission, as it is written: “I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children” (Vayikra 26:19), and even the heathen nations “Hashem shall bring a nation against you from far away, from the very ends of the earth” (Devarim 28:49).

16. Rabbi Elazar ASKED: Does THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, make Yisrael His messengers TOO? He replied: Yes, He sets the righteous to punish the wicked; but not one wicked person from Yisrael is set to punish another – except for the time when one of them does so accidentally, as it is written: “And if a man did not lie in wait, then Elohim permitted it to happen…” (Shemot 21:13). “Did not lie in wait,” is precise, for he did not INTEND to kill him, but “Elohim permits it to happen” in order to punish both of them, both THE KILLER AND THE ONE BEING KILLED.


24. Rabbi Yitzchak opened next the discussion saying, “When you are in distress, and all these things are come upon you…” (Devarim 4:30). “When you are in distress:” From here, we see that best of all is repentance before Judgment steeps the world, because once Judgment has settled, its power increases. Who will be able to remove it or make it go away? Once the Judgment begins, it does not disappear until it is fulfilled. Following the completion OF THE JUDGMENT and repenting, he restores the worlds. That is deduced from the scripture: “And all these things are come upon you, in the latter days…if you turn to Hashem your Elohim…for Hashem your Elohim is a merciful El” (Ibid. 30-31).
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