
Haltom vs. Agents of the City of Henderson, Tennessee Police Department with the Word of God used for Evidence of Law and Proof Identification

With an entire ordeal occurring in a scattered cloud of witnesses surrounded the following matters and grievances; it was on July 19, 2023, that the following incident report was made / drafted by Josiah (Josh) Haltom of Haltom Family Ministries and Consultants.

Allegedly, Officer Cook supposes to have witnessed Mr. Haltom speeding at 44mph in a 30mph area as Mr. Haltom was entering the residential parking lot entrance of his domain. The officer then bluntly refused to accept the Lawful Clergy Identifications she had been presented with, which do match the plates which were worn on the vehicle. Officer Cook then proceeded to make several similar but unrelated, for-profit, commercial demands for fees under the guise of color-of-law!

This miscreant activity in the uniformed, public service oaths was perpetrated in schemes through a set of bogus accusations, ignorant disregards, and monetary fines and charges (* speeding * + * a change of address + * improper display *).

The officer then looked up about the current registration of the car, which matched the licenses for the PERSON that she was seeking to engage by force, intercourse in a heist-like unduly rape aggression, as based on some statutory codes, ones which the policy enforcer fails to comprehend. Officer Cook was given this time, a second Color of Law Violation Warning (seen in an image near to this text) hand delivered to the City Clerks on the date of the court appearance – July 21, 2023.

The judge unsurprisingly failed to answer any of Mr. Haltom’s passionately delivered questions, cross examinations were ignored, and the deed was done, HALTOM, charged guilty(!) of all 3 citations adds to fees + court costs of nearly $600. However, the great majority of the charges were later erased after Mr. Haltom was finally heard in the second appearance in City court on October 18, 2023.

This image would be a scanned b & w record of the second of, now 3 total COL Violation Warnings having been served to different agents of the City of Henderson Police Department and / or the City of Henderson, thus far…….

* JAH now offers some clarity…

This letter was delivered to City Clerks for poor MR. HALTOM’S next court appearance a month later, then scheduled for September 20, 2023

After having stated how and why Mr. Haltom himself, was, in both cases of alleged “improper display“, Mr. Haltom again persisted to follow through with what the honorable judge’s requests towards the ending of HALTOM’S single plea with MOTIONS OF NO CONTEST on all other charges.

The municipal court’s judge then made a suggestion that Haltom should prepare himself a good case thought of study, so here it continued the following month of October. Haltom, for certainty’s sake, had, just days before the third trial, given a letter to the City Clerk noting of why a fair trial would not be possible in these instances involving the very same persons and accusations as forever end-of-days.

Lawful Proof of Clergy Identification for Haltom
Notice of Clergy Defense for Mr. Haltom
This is a print image of the tags that were worn as Evidence of Law & ID for Mr. Haltom’s traveling in accordance with the Free Exercise Clause of the U.S. Constitution and with the Word of God, * the law of the land, Sui juris, as it does match Mr. Haltom’s ID. Improper display? After returning the LEGAL TENNESSEE tags to his travelling device, the brakes on the car had begun to squeak and unfortunate, expensive repairs were also required on the machine.

UPDATE (good news): All charges against Mr. Haltom were dropped and City of Henderson Police Department appears to have ceased with their demands and removed the previously guilty verdict.

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….to be continued….

NOTICE – The Right to Free Exercise & Diplomatic Immunity from Secular Jurisdiction

The Redemption Process – A Ticket Out of HellEarn Your Wings


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