Welcome dear readers.
Things on earth are changing quickly and will never return to exactly how they were even as many continue waiting patiently for this to happen. The outer is always a reflection of the inner and because collective consciousness has shifted and continues to shift in so many new ways, its outer expressions cannot help but be different from the past.
The “old days and ways” appeared to be working just fine for most people, and is the reason there continues to be so much nostalgia for earlier times but things only appeared that way because the majority remained completely unaware of the negative and dark activities alive and well taking place behind the scenes all over the globe. The world seemed for the most part harmonious and happy and the majority believed it because they were told that things were just as they were meant to be by those in positions of authority.
For the most part, in the past before the internet, the majority never heard about hundreds dying of starvation somewhere, or about those with curable diseases dying because they were unable to afford a doctor, or about the cruelties consistently being imposed on large populations of society simply because their skin wasn’t the right color. In general most were aware of the hundreds of dark and sinister activities taking place right under their noses and often with full awareness of those in positions of power.
The high resonating energies presently penetrating earth are forcing many hidden agendas to come to light and the majority is finally interested in hearing about them. It seems as if everything is getting worse, but it is not getting worse, it is simply that people are finally becoming aware of the scope of the tendrils of these activities that have reached out and effected everything and everyone and over time even resulting in rules, laws, and societal norms that justified them.
Inordinate patriotism is false and damaging and highly reflective of separation consciousness. The world has reached a point at which it must begin to recognize that every person, not just those of “My country” are expressions of God. Free will entitles every person to their own beliefs, but to force one’s personal beliefs onto others especially in the name of God, is the self righteous activity of ego, that “my beliefs are the only right beliefs”–separation consciousness at it’s finest.
Those who continue looking to others to make choices for them are going to get “wake up calls”, experiences that force them to think for themselves and stop relying on the beliefs of the rich and famous, politicians, religious leaders, doctors and lawyers, and CEOs–many who have come to believe in their own self importance to the point that their way is the only right way without regard to the ideas, opinions, questions, and concerns of others.
This is what ascension and the realization of ONEness is all about and is the reason behind the world’s present state of chaos. The world’s collective consciousness is gradually opening to ONEness due to the work of you who came specifically to do this through the awareness of your evolved state of consciousness.
Change the world over is meeting with a great deal of resistance because many do not want change. The old ways served some very well and any changes would mean that their their nefarious schemes and ways of providing unearned abundance for themselves at the expense of others would disappear. Others are just plain tired and ignorantly believe that everything would be fine if things just went back to the way they were.
A consciousness of oneness is quiet and gentle and doesn’t mean there will always be outer activity. Most of you have already attained this state of consciousness or you wouldn’t be reading or even understanding these messages. Simple concern, compassion, and the giving of credence to those considered by third dimensional standards as being “less than” automatically reflects a consciousness of ONEness.
Oneness energies are breaking through the heavy curtain of separation that has surrounded earth for eons. People are shifting from “do gooder” activities where they see themselves as being above and separate from those they are “do gooding” for and into a sense of serving their brothers and sisters.
We do not judge “do-gooding” because it is the first step leading to a deeper sense of oneness. Service in and of itself is quickly changing as consciousness opens to higher levels of service in which the one serving is beginning to see into the soul of those he or she is serving. It cannot be otherwise because the third dimensional energy grid of separation is breaking apart having only the belief in it to support, maintain, or sustain it.
There are some who hold a consciousness of entitlement and victim-hood and rather than thinking and doing for themselves as best they can, they simply look to others to do everything for them. Be aware of this, trusting your intuition to guide you as to who and what is really needed rather than just wanted.
Chaos reigns at this time. The old does not wish to leave behind that which they are comfortable with because it has become their security, sense of empowerment, and even self esteem because not yet aware of who they really are, it allows them to feel “better than” others. Nothing is random. Know that third dimensional minds are not running the show even though they think they are.
If you doubt that you are one of the awakened ones we speak of, look back on your life and recognize that you never fully resonated with much of what constituted the third dimensional belief system. Many of you tried very hard to fit in, often engaging in activities and following three dimensional protocols that really didn’t resonate with you simply in order to be accepted by family and friends especially during the teen years.
You were never drawn to attack others verbally or physically although some of you may have occasionally found yourselves in this type of situation. You may have thought of yourself as weird, an outsider on the outside looking in and wondered why. Simply, your state of consciousness was not in alignment the majority of ideas, rules, beliefs, considered important to those around you, but as a young person, you did not understand this.
There is only One Divine Consciousness manifesting ITself and all ITs qualities as everything that exists–all life forms. Other life forms do not act like humans because they were not intended to. They represent the Divine Idea in the Mind of God for their particular life form. God did not limit ITself to forming ITself only as humans and the belief that humans are the pinnacle of God’s creation above all other creations is once again, simply false and very three dimensional.
Since God is all there is, where could a person possibly come from or what would he be formed of if there is only one substance? Take your personal realization of oneness to new levels. Begin to see the world not so much as a planet filled with people who don’t know who they are but to where you see through the beliefs they hold about themselves and know the truth about and for them.
You did not come to change the world through three dimensional activities although these things may at times be necessary. When you watch the news, see people when shopping, or are with friends, say it to yourself, “I recognize you, Divine consciousness in manifestation.” It can be done in a second and soon will become your state of consciousness manifesting automatically. This does not mean you accept or embrace the three dimensional actions and beliefs of others, but means that you see through them.
If someone needs some time in jail, so be it. If someone falls flat on their face through drugs or alcohol, so be it for behind all things exists choice that may extend back hundreds of lifetimes and may even be a part of their chosen learning process. Your job is not to save everyone from their three dimensional choices even if the solutions are blatently clear to you. Have your hand ready to grab the hand that may be reaching out seeking something higher and better, but do not force anyone to leave their chosen creations. Hold the Light of truth in your consciousness always recognizing that same Light in every person you meet, hear about, or know personally. This is the work.
There is only One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, Divine Consciousness manifesting ITself in and as infinite form and variety. Ask yourself; “Do I really believe this?”
|-We are the Arcturian Group 9/4/22
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