I’m still grappling with the profound realization that has been dawning on me since my last planetary...
Dear Esteemed Stockholders, As we gather for this important meeting, I want to take a moment to...
News Bulletin Report: A Global Declaration of Unity Against Oppressive Systems Date: [Current Date] Location: The 2020’s...
In this blog, we outline a solid, unified effort to address the directions we want to take...
We stand here, at the precipice of a new era—one marked by truth, unity, and enlightenment for...
Introduction In the complex tapestry of human existence, the principle of sharing has been instrumental in fostering...
Introduction: The widening gap between the wealthy and the marginalized (class warfare) highlights the urgent need to...
Introduction In this groundbreaking social analysis, we unveil an unprecedented era of global awakening, challenging the structural...
In an age which has become at present, marked by geopolitical upheaval and ecological turmoil, a beacon...
Abstract: In this article, we explore the convergence of ancient mystical insights, modern political landscapes, and the...
“We need to have our own input in our development. We have to strive for the unification...
DISCLOSURE TO SHARE – WAKE THE SLEEPERS The TRUTH about Yisrael should be disclosed, all in all,...
Can you conceive of how it might be possible for humanity to unite and declare world peace,...
KABBALISTIC GLOSSARY: THE PROACTIVE METHOD–Kabbalah Centre @ kabbalah.com/APRIL 25, 2019 As a means of physical survival, we...
AYIN-BET (The 72 Names of God) ~Reflections #48. MEM YUD HEY oo UNITY oo– Guardian angel, MihaelHis name means:...
Understand that the entire creation is composed of one desire to receive. We elevate Life everywhere when...
Purpose of Society – 2Article No. 1, Part 2by Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (1984) Since man is...
ISBN: 9781433831805 , 1433831899 , 9781433831898; DOI: 10.1037/0000201-005 The psychology of groups the intersection of social psychology and psychotherapy research...
-cited from Global Development 2. 0: Can Philanthropists, the Public, and the Poor Make Poverty History? (2008)...
Social cohesion involves building shared values and communities of interpretation, reducing disparities in wealth and income, and...
WHY IS UNITY IMPORTANT TO US? Unity is important because nature wants us to unite. By uniting,...
Social movements by nature need people. Social movements also need people who will take on roles in...
"When humanity will reach its goal, regarding the success of the bodies, namely they will reach the...
When we say that our God is one, it is necessary to understand two things. The first...
“It is not possible to run a course aright when the goal itself has not been rightly...
ATTAINING THE EMANATOR It is written, “For you did not see any image.” This requires interpretation, for what fool...
* INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRIC COSMOLOGY * There is no start or finish in space/time. It has always...
Philosophy of being and becoming: A transformative learning approach using threshold concepts. Transformation has been the fundamental...
Sociocultural Evolution in the Individual and Collective Agency To understand sociocultural evolution, it seems necessary to consider...
THOUGHT ENERGY: THE BASIS FOR A QUANTUM LEAP IN PSYCHOTHERAPY Thoughts and emotions are energetic expressions of...
HOW TO CREATE UNITY IN A WORLD OF SEPARATION Kabbalah CentreFEBRUARY 12, 2019 You don’t have to...
Imagine what will happen after the controllers push the illusion's agenda too far!
ALL THAT PLEASES THE SPIRIT OF THE PEOPLE Shamati (“I heard“) article #31-Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag All...
5 actions we need to continue to take – How to fight totalitarianism: 1) Model freedom from...
GREATER UNITY REVEALED IN THE CONNECTION BETWEEN US There is no choice, as we live in a...
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMONS-Scott Barrett (1999) I. INTRODUCTIONEfforts to sustain international cooperation invariably culminate in...
Full text of “The Freedom” is available inside the library @ kabbalah.info/ FOR SOCIAL LIFE, THE LAW,...
ATTAINMENT OF THE UNITY OF THE UNIVERSE~Rav Michael Laitman The main subject of research for the science...
The 2020’s perfect vision – unity in heralding the year of Jubilee “I speak of a ‘world...
‘A remarkable feature of the robust and nuanced contemporary philosophical literature on egalitarianism is its lack of...
THE PURPOSE OF CREATION-Rav Michael Laitman Q: Are we seeing an incorrect world? A: The Creator started...
MESSIANIC ENERGY QUANTUM JUMPS TO A NEW LEVEL Very, very powerful. Karen Berg had told her student,...
NATURAL LAW Within Nature’s vast economic system . . . mutual dependence is an immutably established law....
“The rule of good and evil and the rule of unity“–138 Openings of Wisdom (30) “God made...