Making Poverty History? How Activists, Philanthropists, and the Public Are Changing Global Development

Making Poverty History? How Activists, Philanthropists, and the Public Are Changing Global Development

-cited from Global Development 2. 0: Can Philanthropists, the Public, and the Poor Make Poverty History? (2008) THE EFFORT TO defeat global poverty is one of the defining causes of the twenty-first century. Victory will require robust alliances waging the good fight on multiple fronts. Thus, venture capitalists, celebrity activists, technologists, and emerging global powers…

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Wealth and Poverty: On the Social Creation of Scarcity

Wealth and Poverty: On the Social Creation of Scarcity

Economics has often been called the science of wealth, with the alleviation of poverty as one of the justifications for both the pursuit of wealth and the study of that pursuit (economic theory). In the language of politicians, if we want to feed more people we need to make the economic pie bigger. This process of making the economic pie bigger…

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