The infinite has always stirred the emotions of mankind more deeply than any other question; the infinite has stimulated and fertilized reason as few other ideas have; but also the infinite, more than any other notion, is in need of clarification.
|-David Hilbert
We grasp a sense…within a horizon containing pointing references to what lies beyond and around intentional expectancies that demand the movement of thought beyond what is thematically grasped. But a horizon is a horizon insofar as it lets the thematic figure stand apart. Holism cannot account for this thematic grasping of atomic or molecular sense. The totality to which holism appeals is a metaphysical construction, while the horizonal character of all thematic apprehension is a phenomenological feature of all experience.

In the view of progressive evolution we might even dare say that the stuff we’re made of has been here before: ten thousand, twenty thousand, an infinite number of times. We are about to fulfill our destiny once again and to repeat the process an infinite number of times in the future.
- Chelstrom, Eric S. (2012). Social Phenomenology : Husserl, Intersubjectivity, and Collective Intentionality. Lexington Books.
- Moore, A. W (1991). The Infinite. Taylor & Francis Group.
- Sisti, Sebastian (2008). Big Bang and Relative Immortality: Seminal Essays on the Creation of the Universe and the Advent of Biological Immortality.
Algora Publishing.
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