Kabbalah presents a reality in which the highest [possible] good transcends human needs and is measured by diversity, abundance, and wholeness in the cosmos itself. It calls for the expansion of divinity into the physical world, and the work of the kabbalist has always been to draw the higher worlds into the lower and to unite the lower with the higher, uniting all the worlds, including the dimensions of God and Nature, into one realm or one whole. Because Kabbalah sees the redemption of the cosmos as something that could happen through every interaction with the world, we find that kabbalists developed an acute sensitivity concerning other creatures and how we use them.
Kabbalists reconciled the unity of being present within the diversity of Creation by seeing every aspect of the world as simultaneously cloaking and revealing the divine. They found the Sefirot and the letters of God’s explicit name everywhere and reached the spiritual dimension of things by engaging with the traces of the divine in the physical world. This engagement happened mostly through the projection of language and text onto the world, and thus focused on ideas at least as much as it focused on phenomena.
__Seidenberg, D. M. (2017). Eco‐Kabbalah. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Ecology, 20.
__Zion, Mark, N. (n.d.). Kabbalah: Divine Catastrophe And Human Redemption.
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