The story of Hagar and her son Ishmael is a profound narrative found in the Hebrew Bible...
The concept of tasting the Endless Light, also known as Ohr ha Ganuz, is a deeply mystical...
AYIN-BET (The 72 Names of God) ~Reflections #47. AYIN SHIN LAMED – Guardian angel, Asaliah – “God Who...
AYIN-BET (The 72 Names of God) ~Reflections #59. HEY RESH CHET – Guardian angel, Harahel – “God...
K{NO}W THIS OF THE SATAN When we are able to see the Satan, it is usually a...
The Origins of Disease “Our consciousness, expressed through our behavior and actions, determines the quality and strength...
Listen here to the Aramaic reading of this first Zohar passage for the connection. |~Reflections from “Angels”...
EXPERIENCING THE LIGHT OF THE CREATOR-Michael Berg (2019) Throughout our study of the Zohar, we often hear that...
Full text of “The Freedom” is available inside the library @ FOR SOCIAL LIFE, THE LAW,...
It is clear that human consciousness can be transformed through spiritual experiences and practices. Little is known,...