Select excerpts from “The martyr president: a discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Penn Yan, N.Y., Sabbath morning, April 16th, 1865, on the death of Abraham Lincoln“
The citizens of these United States are today in the dust, agonized, bewildered, stunned by the national calamity which has smitten them down. Sudden as the crashing thunder, sounding through the clear sky, fearful and deadly as the swift fiery bolt that rends the gnarled oak, it fell upon us. A deed hath been enacted without a parallel in all the annals of earthly history! excepting Him whose resurrection from the dead, millions shall this day celebrate, who came the only begotten of God; who was God and hence not to be brought into comparison with mere man. Excepting only the God-man our Saviour, there has never been so sad a death! There has never been a time so critical, a nation so potential in its influences upon the world, a cause so allied to holy and pure principles, a man so prominent, so honored, so loved, so powerful as Abraham Lincoln, who, in this hour of peril, the head of this great nation, the representative of the law, government, humanity, and liberty, lies in yonder Capitol, cold and stiff in death by the hand of an assassin!!!
Gloom, like a heavy pall of Egyptian darkness, shrouds all the land! [The] slowness of speech, sadness of countenance, starting tears, oppressed respiration, a crushed heart, dark forebodings, anxious agonizing prayers, are today the common heritage of the American citizen: while every ear shall tingle to the remotest end of the earth, as it shall hear of this crime, against God and man! Such is our calamity.
He died a martyr to the pure and holy principles which had controlled his government and was added to the number of those sons of the republic who have been offered as a sacrifice for her life and have shed their blood for universal liberty.
It was after the 16th American President, Abraham Lincoln was martyred, that the United States had deeded its Charter to the British Accreditation Registry. Yep. Are there any lawyers who just read this? Fact Check it, okay? Clues may be found in the assasination of Abe Lincoln, then the ACT OF 1871, and also around the removal of the original 13th Amendment to the Constitution for the united states of America, which then had become the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
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