The liveliness of the world sets the pace of the controller’s need to update assessments, and saddles it with a perpetual moment-to-moment decision process regarding “what to do next.”
The decision domain’s most immediate and primary output – the “very next action” – is typically a gaze shift, that is, the very same combined eye and head movements that furnish the rationale for casting the orienting domain in nested rotation-based format. Taken together these indications suggest that the two domains lend themselves to joint implementation in a single unitary neural mechanism.
|-“The Unity of Mind, Brain and World : Current Perspectives on a Science of Consciousness” (Alfredo, Jr., Lehman, 2013)
AYIN-BET (The 72 Names of God) ~Reflections #71. HEY YUD YUD – Guardian angel, Hayael, Divine Warrior / Reckoning
**Looking without Seeing**
Perhaps some of the most fascinating findings in vision research are those showing that it is possible to be looking right at something and not even see it. Not being able to see it in this context means not having it enter conscious awareness. In the intentional blink, looking at one target in a rapid display makes it difficult to identify a subsequent target that follows it by a certain lag time. Repetition blindness also involves a failure to identify a second item in a string of briefly presented items but in this case the items must bear some similarity to one another. In each of these cases attention is “occupied” with the first item, and so misses the second.
In change blindness we fail to notice even obvious changes between two scenes that are presented in alternation. This may be due to the fact that visual attention is limited and cannot be stretched to cover the entire visualfield. The work on change blindness casts doubt on the idea that we hold detailed representations of a visual scene in mind after seeing them, although alternate interpretations are possible. Other work shows that we may be able to recognize that changes have happened but not be able to identify what they are, a so-called “mindsight.”
The effects described thus far all involve presentation of several scenes, one after the other. Blindness in these cases might be expected because there is an abrupt change between scenes. But looking without awareness is also possible when there is only a single scene present. In these studies, observers are shown a video and asked to pay attention to one area or perform some visual task related to content in the scene. A target item is then presented and observers are asked whether or not they noticed it. The surprising result is that the target is missed in most cases, even when it is presented in the exact area where observers are fixating. Inattentional blindness demonstrates that we aren’t always paying attention to where we are looking. This conclusion should sound familiar, because it is a demonstration of covert attention.
|-scientific data points cited from Friedenberg, Jay. (2012). “Visual Attention and Consciousness,” Taylor & Francis Group. p. 95.
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