According to Jewish mystical tradition, Raziel, the angel of secrets, gave Adam Harishon the Sefer Raziel, a book containing divine secrets and knowledge, shortly after his creation. This book was said to contain knowledge about the universe, the nature of God, and the mysteries of the cosmos. By receiving this book, Adam was granted insight into the workings of the divine and the secrets of the universe, making him a wise and knowledgeable being. This story highlights the special relationship between Adam and Raziel and emphasizes the importance of humanity’s connection to the divine and the pursuit of knowledge.
The first line of Sefer Raziel, a medieval Kabbalistic text, reads: “God said to Raziel, the angel of secrets…”
The inner dimensions of this line can be interpreted as:
* God represents the divine source, infinite and unknowable.
* Raziel, meaning “secret of God,” symbolizes the revealer of mysteries and the bridge between the human and divine realms.
* The phrase “angel of secrets” signifies the intermediary between the spiritual and material worlds, representing intuition and higher knowledge.
This line sets the tone for the text, inviting the reader to explore the mysteries of the universe and the depths of the divine, guided by the angelic messenger Raziel.
“And God said to Raziel, ‘Come and reveal to Adam the secrets of the universe, for he is fit to know them.'”
In this passage, God instructs Raziel to share the secrets of the universe with Adam, indicating that humanity is capable of comprehending and handling this knowledge. This line highlights the idea that humans are meant to engage with and understand the mysteries of the universe, and that this knowledge is not reserved for a select few.
Additionally, this passage reinforces the role of Raziel as a mediator between the divine and human realms, tasked with sharing knowledge and guidance with humanity. The use of Adam, the first human, as the recipient of this knowledge also underscores the idea that this revelation is meant for all humanity, not just a select group.
Overall, this passage emphasizes the idea that humans are capable of understanding and participating in the larger cosmic context, and that divine guidance and knowledge are available to those who seek it.
The text is referring to Adam HaRishon, the first human created by God in the biblical account. Adam Kadmon is a separate concept in Kabbalistic thought, referring to a primordial, spiritual Adam who existed before the physical creation of the world. While both Adams are associated with the concept of humanity’s potential for spiritual understanding, the text here specifically mentions Adam HaRishon as the recipient of Raziel’s revelation. However, the idea that humanity is capable of comprehending divine secrets could be seen as applicable to both Adam Kadmon and Adam HaRishon, representing the potential for spiritual growth and understanding inherent in all humans.

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