The root cause of our reactive behavior is our wanting more fulfillment than what the present reality is allowing me to experience. And because we wanted more, the Creator says to us, “Let me give you a place where you feel like you have less, so that you can practice being proactive like the Creator with your free will.” This is the time that we can correct the level of our soul. This is how we retrieve the sparks of light that belong to our soul which reside in the impure system. When we apply restriction to our reactive behavior, we transfer those sparks of light from the impure system, back to the pure system.

-Rav Yehuda Ashlag – “The Meaning of Conception and Birth”
| The whole issue of from above downward and from below upward that was explained in the four worlds, Atzilut, Briyah, Yetzirah, Assiyah, applies even to the smallest item in the worlds, meaning in every cause and consequence. A cause is the father, the root, the agent. A consequence means that it was operated and done by the cause. For this reason, it is regarded as an offspring, a branch, or an extension and cause.
The meaning of these two progressions is understood in the particular just as in the general. From above downward is a way of separating the cause from its consequence until it emerges and becomes an authority on its own. And from below upward is the law of development that awakens it to grow from below upward until it attains its cause. That is, it becomes completely equal to it.
As we have explained above, the corporeal father and offspring that comes from the father’s brain to the birth is the time of the ascent from below upward. You should discern likewise in all four types: still, vegetative, animate, and speaking.
As it is in the emanation of the elements of spirituality, so it is in all the worlds. It is so because from one [Echad (unique)] emerges the Yechida (also unique), and all the ways that that Yechida received necessitate all the subsequent successions, both in the general and in the particular.

See also: The Birth of Desire – All is from the Endless
+ Spirituality – The Elevation of One’s Desire
++ Can You Know What is Your Next Level in Life? Elevate

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