Unity in Heralding the Year of Jubilee
Year Zero
Humanity will ultimately arrive at the realization of itself as a single system, governed by a single force of bestowal.
The moment that humanity becomes harmonious through integral consolidation, the entire ecology will, in fact, immediately become balanced and the world will begin to blossom and spread a pleasant fragrance. It is not necessary to be concerned about it in particular, just as it isn’t necessary to be concerned about anything that is found below the spiritual level. If we make a correction on the spiritual level, the corrections will pass down and immediately cause changes on the physical level.
The “butterfly effect” that operates in an integral system has an optimistic side: a small action on our part for the benefit of society can trigger a lot more goodness on the other side of the globe. This goodness sooner or later will return to us. Nature is stronger than all of our forces and will continue to “beat” us until we join it and fulfill the law of giving. Then, we will pave the safe way to happiness.
The method of Kabbalah involves surrounding ourselves with a supportive environment, including a teacher with spiritual attainment, texts written by Kabbalists who have attained spirituality and who guide the way to realize the same level of attainment, and friends who support and inspire each other toward the spiritual goal.
Nature’s plan is to bring all of nature to an integral state, which is the law of development that cannot be nullified. Nature must bring us to a state of becoming equal to it, to turn us into integral members in an integral society, each one by himself and all of us together. So you can’t just get rid of six billion people by putting them on drugs and food rations. Nature will lead them onward. It has to bring man to a state of being equal to it! A person has to become a human being.
This can only happen by balancing all the systems. The different parts of our world, like the still, vegetative, animate, and speaking nature, have to reach a state of balance, which means mutual support, homeostasis.
Bringing a person to the lowest state, however, is not homeostasis. The most important thing is to consciously raise ourselves to the level of a human being that is made of two opposite attributes: an egoistic one and an altruistic one, and operating in mutual cooperation by balancing them.
|-data cited from www.kabbalah.info/
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