1 thought on “Only Awareness is Aware

  1. [IN] the very context of the entirety of this ONLY AWARENESS IS AWARE discussion, and my soul-mate & I’s 64 years together in mind and body [BE]ing AWARE of awareness [IT]self • having walked the entire length of [THE] walk-way atop the Grande Dixence dam – and back in the Swiss Alps – is to equate the experience, somewhat, to the astronauts who first “walked in space” to make repairs to their space shuttle. I say this because both Linnie and I felt a total loss of scale as a result of our own individual senses being unable to connect with the vastness of our surroundings. The only other time that a slight glimpse of this feeling was experienced by me was travelling by car across the Istrian peninsula which I put down to the fact that the normal sense of the distance to the horizon, did not apply.


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