BENEFITS OF THE CORONAVIRUS This matter is far beyond belief. We are gradually being led to the...
Opening 69 of ‘138 Openings of Wisdom‘by Moshe Chaim Luzzatto “BALANCE. COOPERATION BETWEEN ALL THE LIGHTS BRINGS THE...
What Is Control?-Michael Laitman, Ph.D. Our problem is that we do not know this power which is...
ARVUT: THE LAW OF THE COMMON SOUL *Arvut (Mutual Guarantee) is the law of the system of the...
We are now living at the final stage of the global correction, what is called the last...
REMOVING OUR ARTIFICIAL LIMITS Cited from “Into the Open Economy,” authored by Colin R. Turner (2016) Anything...
The people believed by most to be representing Americans in D.C. are immune from virtually all laws...
√ Revelation 22:2-3 {1611 KJV Bible} * In the middest of the street of it, and of...
Since man is always among people who have no connection to the work on the path of...
What we perceive through our will, our memory, and our five senses is called “this world.” Because...
PUBLIC Divine Plan for New Earth In the beginning, there was no physical monetary system, We the...
“And I saw a new heauen, and a new earth: for the first heauen, and the first...
Mutual responsibility must become a way of life for everyone, a constant concern for others, and not just...
ALL GATES ARE LOCKED EXCEPT FOR THE GATE OF TEARS Q: What is the request to unite?...
“Money being ‘made from nothing’ shows the situations in these times aren’t so different from physical slavery...
Collective consciousness—a collective mind and collective sensation—is the key for balance and harmony with our increasingly interdependent...
The 2020’s perfect vision – unity in heralding the year of Jubilee Everything that exists is interdependent...
‘99 to 1: How Wealth Inequality is Wrecking the World and What We can do about It‘ excerpts @
The discovery of mirror neurons and of other mirroring mechanisms in the human brain shows that the...
How will you celebrate when we declare world peace and the redemption of the land becomes our...
‘Social entrepreneurship and organizational performance: A study of the mediating role of distinctive competencies in marketing’ (conclusion)....
REDEEMING THE ENTIRE CREATION It may be inferred that, since repentance (Heb. – teshuvah) literally means that...