We stand here, at the precipice of a new era—one marked by truth, unity, and enlightenment for all. As prophesied in sacred texts and whispered through the ages, the arrival of the Messiah and Elijah is not merely a religious event but a transformative force transcending race, religion, and culture. The radiant beacon of the Zohar, an Ark of wisdom, shines upon us, guiding humanity through the waters of change and uncertainty.
In this grand tapestry of life, the threads of divine knowledge are woven together, forming a cosmic picture that illuminates our shared destiny. As prophesied in Isaiah 11:9, the earth is indeed “filled with the knowledge of the Lord,” casting a brilliant light upon the shadows of ignorance and deceit. The apex of truth disclosure has been reached, and we now bask in the luminescence of understanding.
Yet, what does this dawning era of enlightenment truly entail? It is a call for the auditing of our societal structures, a quest for transparency in the public sphere. This clarion call reverberates throughout the halls of power, shaking the foundations of secrecy and deception. As we hold our institutions to a higher standard, we strike a blow against the manufactured consent that has held sway for far too long.
Within this divine audit, we find the blueprint for a future built upon truth, mercy, and unity. The Hebrew word “Zohar” itself, meaning “radiance” or “splendor,” is a linguistic homonym for the concept of “Zikaron,” or “remembrance.” In this remembrance, we honor our collective past and forge a path towards a brighter tomorrow, where transparency reigns supreme.
Embracing this radiant enlightenment requires that we challenge the status quo and reimagine our social contracts. As we peel back the layers of deception, we uncover the bedrock of truth upon which our society must be rebuilt. The walls of division crumble, and in their place stand bridges of understanding, illuminated by the light of the Zohar.
We must “Zohar” (radiate) our commitment to the values that unite us and “Zikaron” (remember) the lessons that have brought us to this pivotal moment. Let us forge an era where truth is the currency, and enlightenment is the reward.
In this grand quest for unity, we recognize the beauty of our diverse cultural heritage while acknowledging the universal wisdom that binds us together. The Zohar, our guiding light, serves as a beacon of truth for all peoples, transcending religious boundaries and societal divisions. As we embrace the radiance of enlightenment, we remember that our strength lies in our unity and that together, we can weather the storms of change.
Let us embark on this journey towards truth, hand in hand, hearts alight with the shared vision of a world bathed in the light of understanding. As the dawn of this new era unfolds, let us forge our destiny anew, embracing the wisdom of the Zohar and the principles of transparency, mercy, and truth.
Isaiah 11:9 [1611 KJV Bible}
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
In the end, the arrival of the Messiah and Elijah is not merely a religious prophecy but a call to action for all humankind.
Let us heed this call and rise to the challenge, striving for a world where truth prevails, and the shadows of deception are but a distant memory.
For that reason the sages of the Mishnah explained that action, not talk, is more valuable. In another place they said that one whose fear of sin precedes his wisdom, his wisdom prevails… One’s fear of sin is supernal Ima, BINAH THAT IS CALLED repentance. Chochmah is supernal Aba. And when one precedes small Hei, NAMELY MALCHUT, which is the precepts, the Torah, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN that is Vav, rests on him. And when he places fear, which is upper Hei, before Chochmah, Chochmah rests on him, which is Yud, and he is called a son, NAMELY THE SON OF YUD HEI. Hence, “You are the children of Hashem your Elohim” (Devarim 14:1).

This is, “this is My name (Heb. shmi),” Yud Hei, “forever, and this is My memorial (Heb. zichri)” (Shemot 3:15), Vav Hei. ‘Shmi’ plus Yud Hei IS IN NUMERICAL VALUE 365, and ‘zichri’ plus Vav Hei IS IN NUMERICAL VALUE 248. All together HAVE THE NUMERICAL VALUE OF 613, namely the 613 commandments given to the holy children so they will have a portion in His name. This is the meaning of, “For Hashem’s portion is His people” (Devarim 32:9).

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