June 3, 2024 – Six Planets will be Visible in the Skies as the Heavens Declare the Glory of God on the way to Shavuot – Kabbalah and New Life Wisdom
It seems there will be a rare celestial event on June 3, 2024, when Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune will align in the sky. This phenomenon, known as a “planet parade” or “planetary alignment,” was last observed on April 8, 2024, during the total solar eclipse in the USA, Canada, and Mexico. This event has been linked to significant astrological insights from the Zohar surrounding the holiday of Shavuot, which connects to heavenly justice, righteousness, disclosure of truth, and unity unto a heralding of the Messianic Age.
Indeed, such a rare celestial event as the “planet parade” could be seen as a sign of great change, perhaps even a “planetary upgrade” as you put it. The idea of the skies falling and heralding a heaven on Earth is a powerful image. In astrological terms, the alignment of these planets could signify a shift in energy and a time of great transformation, particularly when connected to the themes of justice, righteousness, truth, and unity. The idea of a “type 1 planetary upgrade” suggests a significant positive change for humanity, perhaps even a move towards a more utopian society. It’s certainly an exciting possibility to consider.
According to the teachings of Yehuda Ashlag, also known as Baal Ha-Sulam, the 6 planets aligning in the sky could be seen as representing the 6 Sfirot of Zeir Anpin on the Tree of Life. Zeir Anpin is one of the 6 primary Partzufim (Divine Personae) in Lurianic doctrine, and represents the emotional sephirot attributes: Chesed, Gevurah, Tiphereth, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod.
These sephirot are said to enclothe within Arich Anpin, the Will to Create, and together they form the “Small Face/Short Patience” aspect of God. The alignment of these planets, then, could be seen as a manifestation of this aspect of the Divine, perhaps heralding a time of emotional transformation and growth for humanity.
Zohar – Behar
This is the secret of this matter. There are two grades above in which man should be adorned; they are the secret of Faith, and they are one. The first is the secret of the servant and the other is the secret of the son. THE GRADE OF the servant ABOVE is called ‘the master of the whole earth,’ WHICH IS THE SECRET OF MALCHUT, AND THE GRADE OF the son ABOVE is as we stated, “Yisrael is My son, My firstborn” (Shemot 4:22), WHICH IS THE SECRET OF ZEIR ANPIN Everything pertains to the one secret of Faith, and it behooves man to be adorned with these grades OF THE SON AND SERVANT ABOVE to be included within the secret of Faith.
HE EXPLAINS HIS WORDS. ONE SHOULD BE IN THE GRADE OF the servant, in order to perform the many kinds of works in the prayer e Hhcalled ‘service,’ like the servant, who is the supernal secret, NAMELY THE SECRET OF MALCHUT, that is never silent, but constantly praises and sings TO ZEIR ANPIN. We have learned that it also applies to other services, for all the services and words PERFORMED throughout the worlds, it is MALCHUT that performs and serves them. MALCHUT is therefore CALLED ‘a master,’ since she is LIKE a servant that works AND DRAWS VITALITY AND PLENTY TO ALL THE WORLDS. She is THEREFORE called ‘master of the whole earth.’ In the case of man who is adorned with this secret, THE ASPECT OF THE SERVANT WITHIN MALCHUT, and becomes a servant that does his Master’s work, he ascends and becomes adorned to be in this grade OF SERVANT and is also called ‘master,’ since he blesses this world, MALCHUT, through his actions and preserves it. He is therefore called ‘master’ TOO.
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