|||-by Billy Phillips (https://billyphillips.com/)
There’s a manuscript in the British Museum written by a great sage named Rabbeinu Ephraim, one of the great mystic Rabbis of the Middle Ages.
Rabbeinu Ephraim writes, “The Messiah must come by the year 5700 (1939 in our calendar). If he does not, there will be an outpouring of Divine wrath, and we will experience tribulations unlike any we have endured before.”
Sure, enough, a few years later, after 1939, World War ll erupted killing 6 million Jews and some 75 million non-Jews.
Then, the great Kabbalist Rabbi Elijah from Vilna Lithuania, quoting the Zohar, said there will be a great intensification of Divine Energy into our world in the Hebrew year 5780, which was the year 2020.
Sure enough Covid struck, Biden became President and all kinds of corruption and madness unfolded in the world every year since 2020, including Russia and Ukraine, Hamas/Gaza and the butchering of 1200 Israelis and now the rise of anti-semitism to levels not seen since pre-War Germany.
(please note, the Zohar says the cause of all hatred and the solution to all hatred lies within the hands of the Israelites via the Zohar, but’s that a discussion for another time)
There is another great sage known by the name חָפֵץ חַיִּים, which means “The Pursuer of Life”.
His English name is Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan. He was born in 1838.
He said that there will be three world wars.
First will come World War l, which will soon be followed by World War ll. This Second World War will bring such devastation and destruction to the world, it will make people forget all about the first World War.
Then he said after a lengthy break, World War lll will occur and this will ignite the coming of Messiah.
However, he said World War III will be uniquely different from previous wars.
In the first and second World Wars both guilty and innocent people lost their lives by the tens of millions.
In the Third World War, however, all those connected to the Light of the Divine Force that we tend to call God, these people will be protected.
This echoes the very words of the Zohar.
The Zohar says that the Final War and Judgment that will bring forth the Redemption, this will be a realm of both chaos and blessings, co-existing side by side.
Those with the Zohar—meaning those who live it, learn it and share it—they will be attached to the Tree of Life, experiencing blessing, mercy and protection during these Final Days.
Those of us who remain defiant, narrow-minded, selfish, and ruled by the real enemy, the ego within us, they will undergo judgment.
It’s up to us to decide how will confront every day going forward.
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