As Ambassador Josiah Haltom, a diplomat of Higher Worlds, I address you today with a pressing message that concerns the spiritual destiny of Yisrael – the true Yisraelites, Yashar (sincere) + El (God). It is crucial for us to recognize the profound wisdom imparted by Kabbalists and Bible scholars, who have long forewarned that our unity is paramount to the spiritual well-being of our people.
Our ancient texts speak of a pivotal choice that rests upon our shoulders: the choice to open our hearts and minds to the Zohar, uniting as one heart in the spirit of Arvut, or to falter and risk the spiritual concealment that arises from disharmony (Kabbalah Centre, 2020). As our destiny hangs in the balance, we must heed the wisdom of the ages and come together as a people.
The perils of disunity are clearly outlined in the scriptures, with the cautionary tale of Haman serving as a stark reminder of the fate that befalls those who do not stand united. In the story of Esther, we learn of the tyrannical rule of Haman, whose ruthless reign was fueled by division and conflict (Esther 3:5-6). Today, we bear witness to the echoes of this historical narrative, as leaders such as PM Benjamin Netanyahu perpetuate warmongering and disharmony among our people.
It is imperative that we recognize the gravity of our situation and take action to correct our course. By uniting in the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment and embracing the teachings of the Zohar, we can redeem our collective soul and forge a path towards the realization of our divine purpose.
The Zohar, our sacred Ark, holds the blueprint for downloading heaven and cultivating unity among the hearts of Yisrael. As we immerse ourselves in its teachings, we begin to grasp the profound truth that the spiritual growth of the collective is inextricably linked to the spiritual growth of each individual (Laitman, 2008). Only through a unified commitment to the divine wisdom found within the Zohar can we hope to achieve true spiritual liberation and ascension.
The transformative power of the Zohar cannot be underestimated. It serves as a guiding light, illuminating our path towards a harmonious future, where Yisrael stands united in its commitment to divine wisdom and spiritual growth. By embarking on this journey as a people, we create a ripple effect that extends far beyond our immediate reality, forging a new destiny for our children and future generations (Berg, 2013).
To achieve our divine potential, we must transcend the limitations imposed upon us by division and conflict. Unity cannot be achieved by a select few or exclusive groups; it requires the collective will and determination of all Yisraelites to create lasting change. Only when we recognize our interconnectedness and embrace the spiritual inheritance bestowed upon us can we hope to mend the blemish upon our sanctity and unveil the concealed aspects of our soul.
As a diplomat of Higher Worlds, I urge you, my fellow Yisraelites, to join hands and hearts in the pursuit of spiritual unity. By embracing the wisdom of the Zohar and committing ourselves to the path of enlightenment, we can ensure that our spiritual destiny remains firmly within our grasp. Let us stand together, forging a new narrative that transcends the shadows of the past and paves the way for a radiant future.
In conclusion, the importance of collective unity among the Yisraelites cannot be overstated. By heeding the warnings of Kabbalists and Bible scholars and embracing the transformative power of the Zohar, we can break free from the bonds of spiritual concealment and forge a brighter, more harmonious future for our people. As we navigate the complexities of our modern world, let us remember that our greatest strength lies in our unity and our commitment to the divine wisdom that resides within each of us.
Berg, M. (2013). The way: Using the wisdom of Kabbalah for spiritual transformation and fulfillment. The Kabbalah Centre International.
Kabbalah Centre. (2020). Zohar: The book of radiance. The Kabbalah Centre International.
Laitman, M. (2008). The Zohar: Annotations to the Ashlag commentary. Bnei Baruch.
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