As we find ourselves navigating the complexities of our modern world in 2025, we can draw a poignant parallel between the themes of the Jurassic Park movie and a more profound, spiritual reality. In this analogy, the fallen serpentine consciousness can be likened to the Reptilian mentality of shapeshifting aliens, a parasitic program that has been inserted into our collective consciousness.
According to Rav Yehuda Ashlag in his teachings on the Talmud Esser Sefirot, “The serpent’s intention was to awaken man’s consciousness to the idea that he could become like Elohim [God]” (Talmud Esser Sefirot, 3:3). This idea echoes the notion that our Reptilian side, symbolized by the serpent, seeks to hijack our free will and manipulate us into pursuing self-serving desires.
In the story of Adam and Eve, the serpent represents the Reptilian mentality, which tempts humanity with the desire to receive for oneself alone, rather than for the sake of sharing. This dichotomy is reminiscent of the Raptor’s character in the Jurassic Park movie, which embodies both a desire for power and a capacity for loyalty and protection.
Similarly, the Tyrannosaurus Rex in Jurassic Park serves as a symbol for the war machine that has been wreaking havoc on our world. Like the oppressive, tyrannical T-Rex, our modern world is plagued by chaos, confusion, and a lack of unity.
However, just as the survivors of Jurassic Park must come together to escape the island, we too can find unity in the face of adversity. According to Beresheet one Zohar, “And [Adam] and Eve were both naked, yet they were not ashamed… And they were one flesh” (Beresheet 2:25). This verse highlights the importance of unity and wholeness, which is essential for creating a safe and harmonious environment – our metaphorical Jurassic Park.
In the Kabbalistic text, The Wheels of Reincarnation, Rav Yehuda Ashlag writes, “The root of all suffering is the separation from the unity” (Wheels of Reincarnation, 3:5). By acknowledging and transcending our Reptilian mentality and uniting with our higher selves, we can break free from the constraints of the fallen serpentine consciousness and evolve in wisdom and truth.
As we strive to overcome the chaos and confusion of our modern world, we must recognize the need for unity and collective effort. By drawing inspiration from the themes of Jurassic Park and the spiritual teachings of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, we can create a more compassionate, harmonious, and enlightened society – a true Jurassic Park of wisdom and truth.
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