The pursuit of immortality is something which has captivated human imagination for centuries. Various spiritual and philosophical traditions offer their interpretations of eternal life. In Kabbalah, immortality is associated with the divine essence within each individual and the Central Pillar unification of seemingly opposing forces, such as judgment and mercy.
The “light of absolute certainty” and the “warmth of absolute truth” represent the two aspects of divine revelation. The light symbolizes the intellectual comprehension of the divine, while the warmth signifies the emotional experience of divine love and compassion. These two aspects merge to create a state of righteousness or justice, where judgment and mercy are in perfect balance.
This balance leads to the realization of the divine within us, known as the “we” consciousness, where we transcend the limitations of our individual selves and connect with the eternal and infinite nature of the cosmos. This connection enables us to tap into the limitless energy of the universe, known as “Lightforce energy.”
Reverse entropy is a term that refers to the reversal of the natural tendency towards disorder and chaos, as described by the second law of thermodynamics. In a spiritual context, it symbolizes overcoming the limitations of the physical world and attaining a state of eternal life and abundance. This idea aligns with the Kabbalistic concept of Tikkun Olam, the restoration and healing of the world, leading to a state of universal oneness.
As we cultivate our “we” consciousness and embrace the divine essence within us, we can access the potential for human meta-powers, such as heightened intuition, telepathy, and extrasensory perception. By transcending the boundaries of our physical existence, we connect with the eternal aspect of our being, ultimately experiencing immortality through the divine spark that resides within each of us.
In summary, the attainment of immortality through the light of absolute certainty and the warmth of absolute truth involves the merging of judgment and mercy, resulting in righteousness and justice. This balance allows us to access the universal energy of Lightforce, leading to reverse entropy, eternal life, and the eventual development of humanity’s respective meta-powers. By embracing the divine essence within us, we can transcend the limitations of our physical existence and connect with the infinite and eternal nature of the cosmos.
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