
Death is a Sham. Elevate the souls of the Dearly Departed _ The 72 Names of the God ~Reflections #68. “God Who Gives with Generosity”


Death is a sham. The souls of our departed loved ones continue to live on in a reality far more authentic than our illusory world. Through this Name, we make contact with the souls of family and friends who’ve passed on.


The human soul continues to rise to higher levels of existence after it leaves this plane of existence. This ascension can sometimes be difficult if a soul has accumulated undesirable baggage as the result of reactive behavior during his or her lifetime.

Through this Name we help elevate the souls of our loved ones in a pleasing and pleasant manner. We also receive counsel and messages from those whose love for us still radiates in the Upper Worlds.


Evoke the memories of loved ones who have passed on. Surround them with the Light of this Name. Meditate to elevate their souls to ever higher levels in the spiritual worlds. Open yourself up to receive their guidance and support.

Habuhiah (CHET HEY VAV) is the guardian angel for people born between the 5th and 10th degree of Pisces. In the angel hierarchy he is an Angel, he is part of the sefirah of Yesod, and his governing Archangel is Gabriel. His planetary energies are The Moon / Mars and he represents the element of Water.

His name means: “God Who Gives with Generosity.

He symbolizes: Healing and Fertility. He offers a higher level of fertility for women as well as for the Earth itself. With his help, harvests are made abundant! He heals all types of diseases and offers sound health. The angel Habuhiah’s stone is Blue Tiger’s Eye and his colors are Violet / Turquoise. Of the 7 senses, he rules over: ~Smell.

The qualities given to you by the angel Habuhiah

Habuhiah brings healing. This guardian angel has influence over all jobs within the field of medicine and therapy, including treatment and care using spiritual, metaphysical, and energy healing.

This guardian angel gives you the skill to manage and regulate your desires. He allows you to find balance among any discrepancies or disconnects you have in your life. Under his influence you will be able to find harmony once again whenever you find yourself out of step. He brings you help and support in adapting to meet God’s standards.

He fosters your love of nature, of life in the countryside, and of wide open spaces. He is the angel of farmers, harvests, and agricultural expertise. Thanks to him, nature is made fertile and you are given the power to create.

The imbalances regulated by the angel Habuhiah

The guardian angel Habuhiah prevents you from having difficulties understanding disease and healing due to lack of wisdom, knowledge, or due to reasons of a unique or metaphysical nature. He is able to protect you from impostors and false healers.

He will help you if you find yourself lost in a multitude of needs and desires. He protects you from discrepancies and disconnects between what you want to be and what you want to do. He also prevents you from falling out of sync and from difficulty finding the place you should be. He prevents you from leading a double life and protects you from any discord you have between your thoughts and feelings.

For women, the angel Habuhiah fixes any tendency towards domination of others. For men, he fixes the tendency to allow oneself to be forced into doing things by the opposite sex.

This guardian angel protects you from fruitless soil, destitution, pollution, insect attacks, and shortages. He also protects you from contagious diseases and infections.


18. “If a false witness rise up against any man…and the judges shall make diligent inquiry…then shall you do to him as he had thought to have done to his brother” (Devarim 19:16-19). This precept is to examine the witnesses seven times before sentencing one to death. The seven examinations are seven that correspond to: “those seven…the eyes of Hashem, they rove to and fro through the whole earth” (Zecharyah 4:10). THEY ARE THE SECRET OF CHESED, GVURAH, TIFERET, NETZACH, HOD, YESOD AND MALCHUT. Regarding them, it is said: “and will chastise you seven times for your sins” (Vayikra 26:28).

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